Hydrometrics Demo

What the HydroMetrics Portal looks like when you login into the user system

In the Portal, you can access, read and track daily readings generated by the HydroMetrics sensor(s). You have the option to view data in various formats, including:

  1. Charts: these can be generated and customised according to length of time and frequency of readings. If you have more than one monitoring sensor, you can overlay all the sensor data into one graph (see example below).
  2. Data readings: raw data can be viewed as numbers alongside other variables such as temperature, voltage and absorbance levels.

Raw data and graphs are able to be printed from the Portal or exported into Excel sheets. 

All sensor data is strictly confidential and can only be accessed by the authorised users with login and password details and the HydroMetrics administrators. If you have any questions regarding the Portal, contact us at info@hydrometrics.co.nz

Charts Page

Data Readings